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Why a Primary Care Health Team Can Be a Link to Longevity for Older Adults

August 07, 2024
2 minutes
Why a Primary Care Health Team Can Be a Link to Longevity for Older Adults

People 65 and older make up the fastest-growing age group in Austin according to the City of Austin Planning Department, and more seniors are looking for advice on healthy aging. One step towards flourishing as you age is partnering with a primary care clinician and team on your health journey.

A Harbor Health team acts as a “health home base,” truly getting to know you and your medical history. They look at you as a whole person and can keep track of all of your health information if you need to go to a specialist or take new medications. They can also help you understand what can be confusing about care and empower you to be a part of making your own care decisions.

“Consider the primary care clinician your advocate and guide towards reaching your health goals as you age,” explains Harbor Health internal medicine physician Dr. Glendalyz Alberto. “I try to help clients set small, attainable goals about their physical, mental, and emotional health and work with them to make decisions about their health journeys.”

Managing Medications and Chronic Conditions as You Age

Most older people are affected by some type of chronic condition like diabetes, heart disease, or arthritis. Nearly 80% of seniors have two or more chronic conditions. Seniors may be under the care of many specialists for some of these conditions and take multiple medications. The primary care team, knowing a person’s health history, is best positioned to manage all aspects of care and ensure every part works together safely.

“Older people often take multiple prescription medications and over-the-counter drugs,” explains Harbor Health Clinical Pharmacy Program Director Jodie Pepin, PharmD. “I offer them a medicine check-up, looking for any potential drug interactions, side effects, and duplications. I also make sure people are taking medications at the right time, in the right dose, and for the right reason.”

We hope to be your essential “go-to” health team whenever you have a medical concern. You may not always need to see a specialist, so reach out to us first, and we will partner with you in directing your care needs for the best possible quality of life as you age.

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